I just added the below caption and image to the Trombone History Timeline, 17th century (1601-25). I also added it to the collection, Angel Trombonists Throughout History: 119 Images. c. 1620-24—Wolfenbüttel, Germany: The organ is installed at the Wolfenbüttel Hauptkirche….
music iconography

The Life of an Early Trombone Painting
Throughout art history, you can occasionally find multiple versions of the same image. Sometimes the versions are from the same artist (e.g., preparatory sketches), sometimes they are by other artists in other media (e.g., from a painting to an engraving),…
Another 17C Trombone Painting, Possibly an Alto Trombone
Today I added the below painting and caption to both the Trombone History Timeline and the Alto Trombone History Timeline. Among other things, the engraving on the bell is quite detailed (click on image to expand). Notice also that the…
New and Improved Mielich
Part of what I have been doing recently with the Trombone History Timeline is looking for better versions of what I already have: better documentation, better information, better pictures, etc. Today I added a higher-quality reproduction of one of the…
Angel Trombonist After Famous Lippi Painting
Here’s a new angel trombonist image that I added to the Trombone History Timeline (17th century—first half). The source is Gallica, the digital library of the National Library of France. The date of c. 1600 is my best conjecture, since…
Renaissance Italy: Trombone in Outdoor Concert
I recently added the below caption and images to the Trombone History Timeline (16th century). I also added it to the collection of images showing the grip of the early trombone. There’s an odd little piece of overpainting on the…
Cherub Playing Trombone in Italian Renaissance Painting
I added the below image and caption to the Trombone History Timeline (16th century) and to the collection, Trombone History: Cherubs Playing the Trombone. c. 1557—Murano, Italy: Paolo Caliari (also called Veronese) paints The Seven Planetary Gods on the ceiling of the first…
Trombone at Biblical Feast
I added the below image and caption to the Trombone History Timeline (16th century). I also added it to the blog post, Trombone at the Renaissance Table. And I will also be adding it to the collection of images showing…
Angel Trombonist with Saint Cecilia
I added this image and caption to the Trombone History Timeline (17th century—first half). I also added it to the collection of angel trombonists and collection of images showing the grip of the early trombone. c. 1620—Imola, Italy: Visione di…
The Trombone and Written Music in the Renaissance
Scholars sometimes speculate about when a given instrument began reading music. This date has implications on what types of ensembles the instrument participated in, its musical skill level, and its musical status, among other things. During the time period in…