I recently added the below set of images by Polish artist Franciszek Streitt to the Trombone History Timeline (19th century, 2nd half). The colorful picture they collectively paint of a slice of late 19th-century musical life is fascinating. Click on each image to expand.
c. 1875—Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, Traveling Musicians Performing in a Galician Village, includes two trombonists (see cluster of musicians in front of largest building and cluster of musicians in front-center; public domain). Source: Lempertz Auction Hourse, Lempertz.com.

c. 1875—Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, Dorfalltag (Everyday Village Life), includes a trombonist (see center of below image; public domain).

c. 1875—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, Musicians in a Winter Landscape, includes a trombonist (see below image; public domain). A print after the painting with the caption “Am Wegweiser. Nach dem Oelgemälde von F. Streitt” is later published in 1882 (see second image below; public domain). Source: Wikimedia commons.

c. 1875—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, One False Note, includes a trombonist (see below image; public domain). Source: artnet.com.

c. 1875—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, Musikanten auf frostiger Landstrasse dahinziehend (Musicians on a Frosty Country Road), includes a trombonist (see below image; public domain). Source: artnet.com.

1876—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, Wandering Town Musicians, portrays an interesting grouping of trombone, horn, violin, and double bass, traveling along an icy country road. The setting could be Germany or the artist’s native Poland countryside (see below image; public domain) (Posen, Museum Naradowe).
1879—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Francisz Streitt’s painting, Wędrowni muzykanci (Wandering Musicians), features a trombone player among 5 musicians (see below image; public domain).

c. 1879—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, Muzykanci (Musicians), includes a trombonist (see below image; public domain). Sources: mutualart.com, artnet.com.

1879—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Franciszek Streitt,’s painting, Nowy rok—pozdrowienie poranne (New Year—Morning Greeting) includes a trombonist (see below image; public domain). Source: MutualArt. This painting has also been called Twilight Serenade in a version that is more yellow (see second image below). Source: Bamfords Auctioneers & Valuers.

1879—Munich, Germany: Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s painting, Musicians at a Crossroads, includes a trombonist (see below image; public domain). Source: MFABoston, collections.mfa.org.

1880—Munich, Germany: Before this date, Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s oil painting, Village Musicians on Tour, depicts 6 somewhat ragged winter travelers, including a trombonist with his horn aloft, apparently hailing another group of travelers (see below image; public domain).
1880—Polish artist Franciszek Streitt’s sketch (pen, ink on paper), Muzykanci, perhaps a sketch for an unknown version of his country musicians, includes a rear-facing trombone (see below image; public domain; source: MutualArt).