Please visit the site of a fellow-trombone blogger, especially if you speak Italian or are interested in the trombone in Italy! Tromboni e Trombonisti
Jazz in the Alps
Enjoy traditional jazz? How about the French Alps? How about the two together? The New Hot 5, a traditional Dixieland ensemble I recently joined, will be performing at Festival Jazz en Vercors, a jazz festival held in 6 villages in…
Trombone with Utah Chamber Orchestra/Ballet West
Quick little piece of self-congratulatory news: Last Saturday I was fortunate to win the principal trombone position with the Utah Chamber Orchestra/Ballet West. The orchestra is based in Salt Lake City and performs 70 services a year for Ballet West….
Another Milestone–Over 4,000 Visits in September!
After exceeding 2,000 visits for the first time last November (2009), then topping 3,000 in March (2010), the website got more than 4,000 visits for the first time last month. Specifically, there were 4,140 visits from 112 different contries/territories in…
Vote for Trombone Article on HubPages
Not sure what to make of this, or why they would want to feature a trombone article, but I got the notice shown below today from HubPages. So, if you get a minute and you’re so inclined, I would love…
College Music Professor: Among the Best and the Worst
Not long ago, Money Magazine ranked college professor as #3 among the Best Jobs in America. Now comes this interesting study by Payscale, Inc., showing music as one of the worst-paying college degrees. Not a contradiction, necessarily (there are numerous…
Anechoic Recordings: A Different Kind of Chamber Music
Over the past several weeks I’ve been assisting a colleague, Dr. Timothy Leishman, BYU Professor of Acoustics, to complete a series of anechoic chamber recordings. The recordings are for a grant from the Institute for Scientific Research in Music and…
New Milestone–Over 3,000 Visits in March!
Just looking over March’s Google Analytics (website stats I get once a month) and noticed that the site topped 3,000 visits for the first time. After eclipsing 2,000 for the first time in November, it reached the next thousand pretty…
Gramophone Magazine
I was recently contacted by an editor from Gramophone Magazine who expressed interest in using some of the images from the 17th century timeline in an upcoming issue. Nice honor. Seems that some of the paintings, especially, are not widely…
CD Cover Art
Just noticed today that the cover jacket for Christian Lindberg’s new CD, The Baroque Trombone, released last September, uses one of the images included in the Trombone History Timeline. The image, shown below, was added to the 17th century timeline in…