I added the below caption and image to the Trombone History Timeline, 16th century. c. 1510—Torrijos, Spain: Above the front door of the Colegiata del Santisimo Sacramento de Torrijos is a pair of trombones with slides crossed (see below image; public…
Author: wkimball
Angel Trombonist in German Hospital
Today I added the below image and caption to the Trombone History Timeline, 17th century (2nd half). c. 1687—Wismar, Germany: The wooden ceiling of the Heiligen Geist Hospital is painted. Among the angel-musicians is an angel playing trombone (see below…
Another Angel Trombonist in Baroque Germany
A few years ago I added this caption and painting to the Trombone History Timeline (1626-1650) c. 1640—Goslar, Germany: A painting at the church of St. Jakobi includes an angel playing trombone (see below image; public domain). After more research,…
Mystery Trombone Image Revealed
Way back in the early years of this website—2009, if you can believe that—I made a post about a black and white image whose origin was a mystery to me. It turns out that the image, shown below, was an…
Woman Trombonist in 19C French Painting
I added the below image to the Trombone History Timeline, 19th century (2nd half). I will also be adding it to the collection, Women in Trombone History. 1855—France: Le Lendemain de la Saint Sébastien, a painting by Jules Adolphe Breton, features…
Angel-Trombonist in German Church
I just added the below caption and image to the Trombone History Timeline, 17th century (1601-25). I also added it to the collection, Angel Trombonists Throughout History: 119 Images. c. 1620-24—Wolfenbüttel, Germany: The organ is installed at the Wolfenbüttel Hauptkirche….
Trombone with Singers
I just added this image to the Trombone History Timeline (16th century). The full image (full manuscript page) is also shown here for reference. 1599—Antwerp: An engraving from Graduale Romanum, published by Plantin and Moretus, depicts a group of…
Mendelssohn on Trombone
I recently added the following captions involving Felix Mendelssohn, drawn from three different sources, to the Trombone History Timeline (19th century, 1826-1850). What strikes me about these captions? A few things. First, that Mendelssohn seemed to be of the opinion that…
Berger Concert Troupe, ca. 1875
Added the below caption and images to the Trombone History Timeline (19th century, 2nd half). c. 1875—Grass Valley, California: An engraving for a poster promoting a performance of the Berger Concert Troupe in Grass Valley, a mining town in…
Small band leads a pretty long sausage
Added this image and caption to the Trombone History Timeline (19th century, 2nd half). Enjoy! 1880—Stuttgart, Germany: “Eine ziemlich lange Wurst,” a lithograph illustration in Märchengarten, Lustige Bilder und Geschichten für die Jugend, features a small band leading a very…