Trombone History: First Non-Italian Depiction of Trombone

Added the following to the 16th century timeline, possibly the first non-Italian depiction of the trombone. Below the first two images and caption I’m also adding here an image I didn’t include in the timeline–I wider shot that includes the church’s organ as well.

trombonist angel, Abbey Eglise Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, Gonesse

angel musicians, Abbey Eglise Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul, Gonesse

1508—Gonesse, France: In what may constitute the earliest non-Italian visual depiction of the trombone, a painted panel on the organ balcony at Abbey Eglise Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul features an angel-trombonist. Other instruments depicted include viol, shawm, crumhorn, harp, lute, and organ (see detail, top, and full image, below; public domain). Click on full image for larger version (Fischer, Organology; Luri, Les Anges).

wide view, angel musicians and organ, Abbey Eglise Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul