An update from Patryk Frankowski, senior assistant at the Museum of Musical Instruments in Poznan, Poland: Mr. Frankowski has shared information about 2 additional alto trombones, both pre-1800, not listed in Trevor Herbert’s book, The Trombone, or subsequently on my list, Extant Altos. Both held at Mr. Frankowski’s museum, they are a 1722-71 Ehe alto trombone in E-flat and a 1793 Flemming alto trombone in E. I also received a related personal email from Trevor Herbert verifying that such omissions are not uncommon, as compilers often have to rely on communication from museum curators, etc.
These instruments are now included on the Extant Altos page, with a brief note of explanation. This is noteworthy information, bringing the overall tally of extant pre-1800 trombones to 64 tenors, 31 altos, and 22 basses.
Mr. Frankowski has also recently offered important information about another instrument on the list (see related entry). Thank you, Mr. Patryk Frakowski, for the excellent information!