I’m told that more and more musicians in the job market are turning toward military bands as symphony orchestras struggle in the current financial climate. Interestingly enough, the history of the trombone in military bands actually goes back farther than…
trombone iconography
Trombone History: Another Early Rear-Facing Trombone Image
Added the below entry to the article in HubPages called Backward Advances: Rear-Facing Trombones Throughout History, bringing the total number of visual examples to 26. The early examples like the one below are fascinating and deserve to be better known. 1732—Prague,…
Trombone History: Rear-facing Trombone Update
Last week I mentioned that I had posted an article on HubPages, Backward Advances: Rear-Facing Trombones Throughout History, which showed 22 visual examples of these fascinating instruments throughout history. Since then I have updated the article by adding 3 more images,…
Rear-Facing Trombones Throughout History
Today I published another article on HubPages– Backward Advances: Rear-Facing Trombones Throughout History. It includes 22 pictures, spanning from c.1405 to 1890. The early pictures are a bit of a surprise to some people, as are the time span involved and…
Behind the Barracks at the Theatre Artistique
This afternoon I added the below image and caption to the Trombone History Timeline (19th century, 2nd half). Yet another image of an over-the-shoulder (or rear-facing) trombone. There is a steady stream of iconography showing these trombones from the late…
Trombone in Ivory
Just added an improved reproduction of the ivory carving by Angermair to the Trombone History Timeline (17th century–first half). I’ve also included the detail of the trombonist in the HubPages article on the Grip of the Early Trombone, bringing the…
Trombone History Image: Another 16th Century Wind Band
A few weeks ago I mentioned adding an image of a 16th century wind band from Spain to the Trombone History Timeline (16th Century). Today I added another 16th century wind band image, this one from Germany. The trombonist appears…
Trombone History: Monster Concert
I recently got a hold of a bigger version of this “monster concert” held by Jullien in London. As you can see from the details, there are more trombones than just the 4 that are easiest to see in the…
Trombone=Anarchic Press?
Browse through the images in the Trombone History Timeline and you will see that the trombone has had an exceptionally varied symbolism throughout its long history, representing concepts like religion, military, orchestral excess, and musical humor, although anarchic press is one…
Trombone History Image from 16th Century Germany
Added the below to the 16th Century Timeline. I will also be adding it to the HubPages articles, Angel Trombonists throughout History: 42 Images (soon to be 43!) and The Trombone and Christmas throughout History. c. 1522-23—Munich, Germany: Albrecht Altdorfer’s Mary…