Just added the below image and caption to the Trombone History Timeline (19th Century—2nd half). Another 19th century trombone image using humor/satire. 1870-71—Paris, France: A satirical lithograph by caricaturist De La Tramblais shows German Emperor Wilhelm I and Otto…
music iconography
London Street Band, 1839
Just added this image and caption to the 19th century timeline (first half). Reproductions of the picture are available here. 1839—London, England: A lithograph by George Scharf (the elder) entitled London Street Band includes a trombone (see below image; public…
Three Military Trombonists
I recently added the below three military trombone images to their respective timelines: 18th century, 19th century (1st half), and 19th century (2nd half). Not only are they all military subjects, but, although they span roughly a century, they also…
Trombones on Triumphal Arch
I just added the picture and entry below to the Trombone History Timeline (18th century). c. 1800—France: Porte Dauphine, A print by Percier Charles (1764-1838) from Album Fontainebleau, includes at least two trombones (see below image; public domain) (source: Réunion des musées nationaux).
Catchpenny Trombone
I mentioned a catchpenny print in an earlier post, although I didn’t explain the term. Historically, a catchpenny print is an inexpensively-produced image intended for the masses. A number of them contained military characters, including military musicians. Here is another catchpenny…
French Infantry Musicians: Serpent, Trombone, and Ophicleide
Today I added the below image and caption to the 19th century timeline (1st half). A couple of things seem noteworthy: 1) a rear-facing trombone is featured and 2) both a serpent and an ophicleide are shown (often the latter…
Trombone in Baroque Still Life
Added the following painting to the 17th-Century Timeline (2nd half). You can purchase a copy of the painting here (although the site mistakenly labels the instrument a trumpet instead of a trombone). 1663—Augsburg, Germany: Artist Franz Friedrich Franck (1627-1687) displays…
Trombone History: Four More Renaissance Pictures
Just added four more images to the Trombone History Timeline (16th century), all of them from processions in Renaissance Germany. 1582—Dresden: Artist Daniel Bretschneider records the events of a procession, including 2 trombonists among a group of female instrumentalists (see…
Dutch Trombonist on Horseback
Added the below image (just the detail) and its caption to the 19th century timeline (first half). I will also be adding it to the HubPages article, Backward Advances: Rear-Facing Trombones Throughout History, which already has some 36 visual examples….
Two More 16th-Century Trombones in Procession
Just added the below two images to the 16th-century timeline. They are both from a procession in 1582 in Dresden, Germany (more details can be found in the timeline). The fact that the trombone players are either female or dressed…