Added another article to HubPages: A Mischievous Trombonist in Renaissance Italy. It’s a fairly entertaining account of a 16th-century trombonist who can’t seem to keep himself out of trouble early in his career but goes on to musical prominence. Check…
Trombone History: The Trombone in Siena
Added the below painting and entry to the 16th century timeline. The painting originates from Siena, Italy, the location of a surprisingly active trombone scene in the 16th century; there are many, many Sienese entries in the timeline drawn from…
Trombone History: Two Curious Images
Recently I came across an interesting image from the early 16th century that features an instrument bearing something of a resemblance to a trombone. Titled Dances in the Open Air, the painting, by Hans Dürer (brother of the more famous…
Trombone History: Trombone with 16th Century Wind Band
Added color version of Pinturicchio’s fresco (see below) to the 16th Century Trombone History Timeline. The painting provides one of the earliest examples of trombone iconography showing the instrument in a wind band setting (called pifferi in Italy). The color version…