2 Trombone Sculptures in Germany

I recently discovered an outdoor sculpture that includes a trombone and included it in the Trombone History Timeline (20th century). See 1979, below; special thanks to Berthold Huss. The other outdoor trombone sculpture that comes to mind is also from Germany (see 1989, below).


1979—Quedlinburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany: Wolfgang Dreysse includes a trombonist among the 4 musicians in his bronze sculpture, “Münzenberger Musikanten.” This monument to Münzenberg musicians, many of whom made their living playing music for various occasions, is located in the town’s market square (see below image; used by permission of Berthold Huss).dreysse bh


1989—Soest, Germany: Sculptor Kord Winter fashions a trio of musicians in honor of one of the city’s most famous residents, 16th century artist Heinrich Aldegrever. The sculpture makes reference to Aldegrever’s Die Posaunisten from the series The Great Wedding Dances of 1538 (see 16th century timeline) (see below image; public domain) (source: wikimedia commons; see also www.kordwinter.de/objekte/Brunnen/brunnen.html).Aldegrever-fountain


  1. Good morning Mr. Kimball
    I am Elies Hernandis, a valencian trombonist who works at the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música of Madrid (Spain)
    I am a follower of your page for years and I am very grateful for your indispensable contribution to the study and knowledge of our instrument throughout the world.
    I want to contribute to your work by giving you a report about a sculptural representation of a sackbut in one of the most representative gothic buildings in Valencia (Spain). The antiquity of the figure (ca.1482-1497), in one of the first cities where the sacabuches appeared in Spain(1560, Seu Cathedral of Valencia) and the minute detail with which the instrument is represented, I think they deserve a mention in your timeline of the trombone iconography of the XV century.
    This is the link of my post http://bucinator.blogspot.com/2016/11/one-sackbut-in-valencia.html. In red, it will appear the text in english. IF YOU NEED MORE PHOTOS IN FURTHER DETAIL, DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK ME

    Many thanks for your attention

    Elies Hernandis Oltra

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