Bones in the Belfry

Added a new trombone image by John Wolcott Adams to the 20th century timeline. It bears a strong resemblance to another print, also shown below, of trombonists playing from a belfry. The 1903 image is a depiction of Moravian trombonists; the Adams is very likely a depiction of a Moravian trombone ensemble as well.

c. 1915—United States: American illustrator John Wolcott Adams (1874-1925) depicts a trombone ensemble playing from a belfry in The Trombone Players Climb the Steep Belfry Stairs to Blow Stately Chords (see below image; public domain). For a similar image, see 1903; for additional images of 20th century tower-trombonists, see 1904, 1906.

Adams, Trombone Players

1903—Bethlehem, Pennsylvania: Harper’s Weekly publishes an engraving depicting a trombone ensemble performing from a church tower at the beginning of the city’s famous Bach festival. The caption reads, “The Trombone Choir: Announcing the beginning of the performances from the belfry” (see below image; public domain) (Harper’s Weekly, 1903, Issue 5/16, p. 800).

"The Trombone Choir"